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Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Tips
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (pmdd) is a form of the premenstrual syndrome (pms) which occurs as a result of the disturbance of the level of hormones. Around 2 to 5 percent of the women who are about to experience the condition of menopause. The symptoms of this syndrome is somewhat similar to that of pms which means the woman will suffer from problems like fatigue, food cravings and irritability but in this case the woman will experience these symptoms in an amplified man...more
476 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Over 85 percent of the women experience the trauma of Premenstrual syndrome which haunts them for those few days of every month. Women undergo physical as well as mental or emotional disturbances like mood swings, anxiety, bloating of the belly as well as cramps in the abdomen.
There are certain lifestyles changes along with natural remedies which can ensure the betterment of the PMS
Avoid the smoke: If you are smoking, you are not only increasing the PMS issue but also the c...more
There are certain lifestyles changes along with natural remedies which can ensure the betterment of the PMS
Avoid the smoke: If you are smoking, you are not only increasing the PMS issue but also the c...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
PMS is often treated as a joke but for many women, it is a monthly nightmare. Muscle cramps, headaches, bloating, breast tenderness, anxiety and depression are common symptoms of PMS. Though there is no set cure for PMS here are a few tips that will help you deal with it.
1. Set yourself an exercise routine
Exercising not only helps you maintain weight but also helps to deal with PMS. All you need are 30 minutes a day set aside to go for a brisk walk, jog, swim or even dance. Aerobi...more
1. Set yourself an exercise routine
Exercising not only helps you maintain weight but also helps to deal with PMS. All you need are 30 minutes a day set aside to go for a brisk walk, jog, swim or even dance. Aerobi...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Premenstrual syndrome is a common condition that affects women who are menstruating. A multitude of psychological and physical symptoms might show up before the onset of a menstrual period. What causes PMS is unknown, but fluctuating hormonal levels (progesterone and oestrogen) seem to be linked to it.
PMS has many symptoms. These vary in severity and frequency and aren t the same in every woman. These are the common symptoms of PMS:
Tenderness of breasts
PMS has many symptoms. These vary in severity and frequency and aren t the same in every woman. These are the common symptoms of PMS:
Tenderness of breasts
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
PMS is often treated as a joke but for many women, it is a monthly nightmare. Muscle cramps, headaches, bloating, breast tenderness, anxiety and depression are common symptoms of PMS. Though there is no set cure for PMS here are a few tips that will help you deal with it.
1. Set yourself an exercise routine
Exercising not only helps you maintain weight but also helps to deal with PMS. All you need are 30 minutes a day set aside to go for a brisk walk, jog, swim or even dance. A...more
1. Set yourself an exercise routine
Exercising not only helps you maintain weight but also helps to deal with PMS. All you need are 30 minutes a day set aside to go for a brisk walk, jog, swim or even dance. A...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
A depressive disorder is not just a passing phase of the mind; it is a condition which involves your body, mind, and thoughts. It comes in the way of your daily life, thereby preventing you from carrying out your regular routine, even making it harder for you to concentrate or work properly. The exact causes are still not known, but as certain studies suggest, it might be hereditary, due to changes in the neuroendocrine functions, or due to other psychological and social factors.
Some o...more
Some o...more
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
A depressive disorder is not just a passing phase of the mind; it is a condition which involves your body, mind, and thoughts. It comes in the way of your daily life, thereby preventing you from carrying out your regular routine, even making it harder for you to concentrate or work properly. The exact causes are still not known, but as certain studies suggest, it might be hereditary, due to changes in the neuroendocrine functions, or due to other psychological and social factors.
Some o...more
Some o...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
1. Dr. Ranjeeta khati
Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mumbai/doctor/dr-ranjeeta-khati-gynaecologist ;
Mbbs, dnb, obstetrics & gynecology, fellowship in reproductive medicine
21 years experience 500 at clinic
Dr. Ranjeeta khati is a leader in her field when it comes to the health of women. She has an mbbs from sri krishna medical college in muzaffarpur, bihar, and a dnb in obstetrics and gynecology from mother hospital (p) ltd i...more
80 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Dr. Geeta komar
Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-geeta-komar-gynaecologist
Md - obstetrtics & gynaecology, mbbs
23 years experience 400 - 800 at clinic 400 online
Symptoms of pcos often appear at the same time as a woman's first menstrual period. It's very uncommon for symptoms to manifest years after menstruation has begun. Dr. Geeta is a well-respected physician who has treated a number of patients wi...more
167 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
पीएमडीडी का मतलब है प्री मेनस्यूरल डायसफोरिक डिआर्डर। प्रीमेंस्ट्रुअल डिस्फोरिक डिसऑर्डर एक प्रकार का प्रीमेंस्ट्रुअल सिंड्रोम है। यह चिड़चिड़ापन, चिंता और थकान का कारण बनता है। एक अनुमान के अनुसार, करीब 3 से 8 प्रतिशत महिलाओं में प्रीमेंस्ट्रुअल डिस्फोरिक डिसऑर्डर (पीएमडीडी) होता है।
हालाँकि, वास्तविक संख्या अधिक हो सकती है। पीएमडीडी में प्रीमेंस्ट्रुअल सिंड्रोम (पीएमएस) के समान कई लक्षण हैं, लेकिन वे बहुत अधिक तीव्र होते हैं और कुछ लोगों के लिए रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी में काम करना मुश्कि...more
हालाँकि, वास्तविक संख्या अधिक हो सकती है। पीएमडीडी में प्रीमेंस्ट्रुअल सिंड्रोम (पीएमएस) के समान कई लक्षण हैं, लेकिन वे बहुत अधिक तीव्र होते हैं और कुछ लोगों के लिए रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी में काम करना मुश्कि...more
1451 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Dr. Pooja anand sharma
Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-pooja-anand-sharma-psychologist
Ph. D - psychology, m. Sc. - counselling and psychotherapy, m. A - psychology,
18 years experience 1000 at clinic 500 online
The doctor is well-known in the field of psychology for treating various mental diseases such as schizophrenia. Anxiety induced by bipolar disease, traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, migraines, and trauma head...more
Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-pooja-anand-sharma-psychologist
Ph. D - psychology, m. Sc. - counselling and psychotherapy, m. A - psychology,
18 years experience 1000 at clinic 500 online
The doctor is well-known in the field of psychology for treating various mental diseases such as schizophrenia. Anxiety induced by bipolar disease, traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, migraines, and trauma head...more
12 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
1. Dr. M Sri Vidhya Venkatesan
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, Bachman Institute for Psychotherapy,
22 Years Experience 300 - 500 at clinic 300 online
A psychologist with experience working in clinical psychology. In addition, working as a psychotherapist and treating patients with mental illnesses. In addition to that, she is an accredited relationship counselor. The treatment of mental diseases such as stress, anxiety, and other trauma-related issues done as a Psyc...more
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, Bachman Institute for Psychotherapy,
22 Years Experience 300 - 500 at clinic 300 online
A psychologist with experience working in clinical psychology. In addition, working as a psychotherapist and treating patients with mental illnesses. In addition to that, she is an accredited relationship counselor. The treatment of mental diseases such as stress, anxiety, and other trauma-related issues done as a Psyc...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Endometriosis is one of the most common gynaecological conditions affecting the lower abdomen (lower belly) in women. In endometriosis, the kind of tissue that normally lines the inside of the womb (endometrial tissue) also grows outside of it. This can happen without the woman being aware of it. But in other women endometriosis is a chronic disease, associated with severe pain and fertility problems.
It often takes years for endometriosis to be diagnosed as the cause of these problems....more
It often takes years for endometriosis to be diagnosed as the cause of these problems....more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
The uterine cavity has a tissue base that is known as the endometrium. When this endometrium spills over or spreads to the other parts of the reproductive organ, it begins to punch through the uterine lining. Such a condition creates complications and even infertility, and is known as endometriosis.
Read on to know more about endometriosis and how it can cause infertility.
When the endometrium tissue spreads to areas like the ovaries, and the abdominal ca...more
Read on to know more about endometriosis and how it can cause infertility.
When the endometrium tissue spreads to areas like the ovaries, and the abdominal ca...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Endometriosis - painful journey to parenthood!
Endometriosis is a very painful and enigmatic condition which shows variable presentation and may affect the life a lot so don't suffer alone rather seek right guidance at earliest as it's a progressive destructive disease which is going to diminish your chances to have baby day by day.
Endometriosis is a very painful and enigmatic condition which shows variable presentation and may affect the life a lot so don't suffer alone rather seek right guidance at earliest as it's a progressive destructive disease which is going to diminish your chances to have baby day by day.
2259 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Painful menstrual periods and shattered dream of a baby!
To be a mother is the basic right and the best gift for any woman on earth. These feelings are irreplaceable and couples especially feel more pained in attending any social gatherings like goad bharai rasam- that reminds them of emptiness in their life
Endometriosis is one of such a condition which feeble the chances of getting pregnant. Besides it starts with pain only when one gets first periods of life and generally gets un...more
To be a mother is the basic right and the best gift for any woman on earth. These feelings are irreplaceable and couples especially feel more pained in attending any social gatherings like goad bharai rasam- that reminds them of emptiness in their life
Endometriosis is one of such a condition which feeble the chances of getting pregnant. Besides it starts with pain only when one gets first periods of life and generally gets un...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Anybody said that life is colorless without colors. That is the color that you have a smile. You are happy. Happiness is filled in your life. Some colors make you happy, make some sad. Some colors give you comfort and peace, some encourage you to move forward.Have you ever thought that why you choose the color that is closest to you? because it reflects your personality.
There are some such colors today that will tell your personality. Introduce your personality to you.
Black: if your co...more
There are some such colors today that will tell your personality. Introduce your personality to you.
Black: if your co...more
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